Ehrlich Law Firm obtains affirmance of $3.5 million personal-injury judgment

Qaadir v. Figueroa (2021) 67 Cal.App.5th 790, review den. Nov. 10, 2021

Quaadir suffered back injuries in a truck accident and obtained a $3.5 million judgment. On appeal, the defense urged the Court of Appeal not to follow the rules for proving medical-expense damages adopted in Pebley v. Santa Clara Organics, an appeal handled by Jeffrey I. Ehrlich. The Court of Appeal affirmed the judgment and rejected the attack on Pebley, choosing instead to follow it. The insurance industry then urged the California Supreme Court to grant review to overturn Pebley or to depublish the Qaadir opinion. The Ehrlich Law Firm opposed review. The California Supreme Court denied review and left the opinion published.